TCFFE.ORG - 5 sensory activities to grow your child's brain (2024)


Sensory activities play an important role in helping children to develop their brains and improve their overall learning abilities. Research shows that children who participate in sensory activities experience an improvement in their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Whether it’s playing with play dough, coloring, or playing with water, sensory activities help to stimulate children’s senses and promote learning. In this article, we will explore five sensory activities that can help to grow your child’s brain.


Playdough is an excellent tool for sensory play and can help to stimulate a child’s imagination. Playing with play dough can help children to develop their fine motor skills and improve their hand-eye coordination. Additionally, the tactile experience of squishing, rolling, and shaping the play dough helps to activate the brain’s sensory receptors and enhances their sensory awareness.

Playdough is a great sensory tool for the development

To make play dough, you can follow a simple recipe that requires only a few ingredients. Mix together 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar, 1 cup of water, and 2 tablespoons of oil. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously, until it forms a ball. Remove from heat and let it cool for a few minutes before kneading it into a smooth dough. You can also add food coloring to make it more visually appealing.

Playing with play dough can be done in many different ways. You can encourage your child to mold different shapes, create a sculpture, or use cookie cutters to make fun designs. Children can also use play dough to make simple games, such as rolling it into balls and seeing who can roll them the farthest. This is a great way to encourage your child’s creativity and imagination.

Sensory Bottles

Sensory bottles are an excellent way to stimulate a child’s sense of sight, touch, and sound. These bottles are made by filling a clear container with water and adding different materials such as glitter, beads, or colored water to create a unique and visually appealing display. Children can shake the bottle to see the materials swirl and create patterns or observe the materials as they settle back to the bottom. Sensory bottles can be made to focus on a particular color or theme and can be changed as often as desired to keep the activity fresh and engaging.

To make a sensory bottle, you will need a clear plastic bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Fill the bottle about three-quarters of the way with water and add food coloring, glitter, beads, or any other small objects that will float or sink. Secure the lid tightly and shake the bottle to make sure the contents are distributed evenly. You can also add a small amount of glycerin to the water to slow down the movement of the materials and create a calming effect.

Playing with sensory bottles can help children to develop their visual perception and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, it can help to soothe children who have sensory processing difficulties and provide them with a calming and engaging activity. Sensory bottles can be made in different sizes and designs to suit different age groups, making it a versatile activity for all children.

Visual Activities

The sense of sight is critical for developing visual perception, which plays a key role in your child’s ability to understand and interpret the world around them. Visual activities like drawing, painting, and looking at books can help your child develop their sense of sight.

Another great way to encourage visual development is through sensory lights. Sensory lights are special lights that emit different colors and patterns and can be used to create a sensory experience that stimulates the sense of sight. You can use sensory lights in a dark room or while playing with toys or bubbles to create a unique and engaging visual experience.

Hearing and Music

The sense of hearing is important for developing auditory perception and language skills. Listening to music and playing with musical instruments can help your child develop their sense of hearing and their ability to understand and enjoy different sounds and rhythms.

You can encourage your child’s sense of hearing by playing different types of music and singing songs together. You can also encourage them to play with musical instruments like maracas, tambourines, and drums. These activities will help your child develop their sense of hearing and their ability to enjoy and understand different types of music.

TCFFE.ORG - 5 sensory activities to grow your child's brain (2024)


What are the sensory activities of the brain? ›

Sensory play means your child's senses are constantly engaged during an activity. Sensory play is critical because of its role in brain development. Engaging as many of the five senses as possible literally helps the brain develop. By the age of five, 95% of a child's brain will be developed.

What do children gain from sensory play? ›

Sensory play is a lot of fun. It also offers many benefits for child development, including: Helping children understand how their actions affect what's around them. Supporting brain development, enhancing memory, complex tasks and problem solving.

What are the benefits of goop play? ›

How this supports your child's learning: Babies will love exploring how the texture and consistency changes as they play. It will also encourage babies to explore through their senses. This will all support hand eye coordination and fine motor skills.

How do sensory toys help cognitive development? ›

Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills.

What are the 5 sensory areas? ›

The primary sensory areas are the primary cortical regions of the five sensory systems in the brain (taste, olfaction, touch, hearing and vision). Except for the olfactory system, they receive sensory information from thalamic nerve projections.

What are the sensory types 5? ›

The five basic sensory systems:
  • Visual.
  • Auditory.
  • Olfactory (smell) System.
  • Gustatory (taste) System.
  • Tactile System.

What are five benefits of sensory play? ›

Sensory play can create an opportunity for children to work on their own individual skills such as:
  • Social skills.
  • Communication and language skills.
  • Sensory and gross motor skills.
  • Fine motor skills.
  • Cognitive skills.

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Let's talk about sensory play, primarily the sense of touch through tactile, hands-on play. Our favorite sensory play ideas for toddlers to preschoolers and beyond include sensory bins, sensory bottles, playdough, slime (especially taste-safe slime for younger kids), water play, messy play, and more.

What learning outcome is sensory play? ›

Sensory play supports language development.

Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling are all ways children learn to think, feel and compare their environment and the objects within it. Using multiple senses at the same time stimulates learning and language development, especially descriptive words.

What children learn from goop? ›

Goop is a softer version of play dough that allows the children to have a fun and exciting sensory experience. The sense of touch against the slimy material also stimulates different parts of the brain and builds on their fine motor skills as they manipulate and handle the goop.

What is the science behind Gloop? ›

Understanding Gloop – What is Happening? Solid or Liquid: Corn flour is made of lots of long, stringy particles. When water is added they do not dissolve in water, but they do spread themselves out. This allows the gloop to act both like a solid and a liquid.

What is goop for children? ›

Goop, better known as Oobleck (named for a slime in Dr. Seuss' book Bartholomew and the Oobleck ) is a fun material to play with: At one moment it's a solid, and at the next it's a liquid…it's unbelievably silly to play with, and I've witnessed adults get lost in the strange sensation of its texture.

Why is sensory stimulation so important to a developing brain? ›

If not used, the synapses may die out and lead to a phenomenon known as pruning. Pruning ultimately prevents information overload by cutting out non-functional pathways. Taken together, sensory stimulation is vital to develop sensory pathways in the brain and thus promote normal development.

Do toys help brain development? ›

Toys stimulate cognitive development by promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. They encourage children to explore cause and effect relationships, develop spatial awareness, and engage in logical reasoning.

What are cognitive toys? ›

Puzzles and Open-Ended Fine Motor Toys

Puzzles and other fine motor toys help children explore many cognitive concepts. Children have to observe each puzzle piece and then fit it into the correct spot. They have to maintain their attention to the task as they turn the pieces to fit.

What are the 5 functions of the sensory system? ›

What is the Function of the Sensory System? Sensory system function allows organisms to perceive, respond to, and interact with their environments. Sensory perceptions include hearing, touch, taste, smell, and vision, which are known as the common five senses, but there are actually eight senses in the sensory system.

What are the 8 sensory types? ›

There are the ones we know – sight (visual), taste (gustatory), touch (tactile), hearing (auditory), and smell (olfactory). The three we're not so familiar with are vestibular (balance), proprioceptive (movement) and interoceptive (internal). Let's take a closer look at all eight sensory systems…

What is a sensory activity? ›

A sensory activity is anything that involves the 5 senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight) and also the vestibular or proprioception systems (see what are the 8 senses for more info). Sensory activities for children can be messy, engaging, fun, and easy to put together.

What activities are sensory play? ›

Blowing bubbles onto their skin to engage the sense of touch. Scrunching up paper to engage the sense of hearing and sight. ReadingSensory Stories to babies. Making a treasure basket with lots of different textures, colours and smells for them to experiment with.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.